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How does Intelligent Capture benefit Education?

Leveraging Intelligent Capture in Education

IRISXtract™ Solution


Educational institutions rely heavily on process automation. Studies estimate between 60-80% of colleges and universities are currently using some form of automation in their operations. These can range from basic administrative tasks like payroll and registration to more complex systems like learning management platforms, or even student analytics tools.

Automation in colleges is becoming increasingly common as institutions look to streamline their operations, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. Most importantly, what are areas that still need help?

One issue, most higher education operations struggle with, comes from the documents they still receive. Documents, more importantly Transcripts, will always be around and while many processes move completely towards automation, the successful processing of documents can be challenging or even overlooked. This is mostly due to platforms using weak image processing, incomplete OCR capture platforms, or time-consuming project updating.

IRIS solutions provide automatic data extraction from all kinds of transcripts. Our technology offers processing of any document in a faster, more efficient, way. Transcript capturing tasks include several challenges which include:

  • Watermarked transcripts
  • Multi-page transcripts
  • Multi-column transcripts
  • Multi-row transcripts
  • Poor OCR’d transcripts

Issues like the above are now seen resolved in an IRISXtract™ Transcript solution. Using an array of different technologies and capabilities, the ability to capture what was once monotonous, error prone and time-consuming now allows users fast and reliable data that can then be transformed into image archival software, data driven workflows, and educational back-end systems using properly applied retention policies in accordance with inherited regulation policies. Let’s look a little deeper into some of these challenges to see how you can rely on IRIS to properly resolve such issues. If you would like to read more about this, you can get the full article here.

Watermarked Transcripts

Stubborn documents (especially transcripts) in higher education can come with layers of overlapping text, decorations, logos/images, and watermarks. This can lead to many of the frustrating issues that interrupt your processes. You are going to need something better that a standard OCR extraction. By utilizing the power of IRIS image processing technology, documents can get cleaned up allowing IRIS to extract everything necessary, all while still exporting the original colored (unprocessed) image.


Transcript IRIS OCR comparison

Multipage Transcripts

Plainly put, IRISXtract™ uses dynamic tools that monitor when and where your course tables stop. This means transcripts course capturing has no page limit. Wherever the courses start, and finish IRISXtract™ identifies it.

Multi-Column Transcripts

Course information and grades come in many different formats. Understanding the layout of a transcript is important to the capture of course, class title, and grade. By identifying one of the commonly used below transcript types, IRIS can identify the correct table should be loaded for correct capture.


Multi-Row Transcripts

As previously mentioned, course information and grades come in many different formats. Our extraction techniques identify where the row starts and where the row ends. This number can even be dynamic. For example, the first row has three lines, the second row has two lines, and the remaining rows have three lines per row(see below: ROW LAYOUT C). Intelligent capture has no such boundaries.


IRIS identifies various academic transcript row types for capture

Poor OCR’d transcripts

Poor OCR can not only affect capturing text, but it can drastically slow down your processes. To combat this IRIS provides its patented HQOCR also referred to as High Quality OCR. This type of AI powered OCR works great with low quality or mobile captured images. To clean up those poor documents that effect OCR, IRIS provides a suite of various image pre-processing tools like auto-rotation, de-speckling, dithering, dynamic binarization, line remove, color dropout (as mentioned earlier in the Watermark section) and more to help you clean up those pesky poor quality transcripts.

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We love sharing great results, contact us today to see how we can improve your business needs. If you would like to read more about this, you can download here.

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Interested in seeing how IRIS can automate your academic transcripts? Do you have a pressing issue slowing down your institution? Are you tired of underwhelming capture results from your OCR tool? Get a demo today!

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