xSuite Group is a global player in automated invoice processing for SAP. Their customers are high-end SMEs, corporations and public contracting authorities. Presently, more than 200,000 users process over 60 million invoices a year with xSuite. xSuite is a partner of IRIS for more then 20 years. One reason why they have decided for IRISPowerscan™ and IRISXtract™ has been the easy integration of the IRIS components into their portfolio. Read the full interview with Thomas Radestock and find out how xSuite creates real added value for their customers with IRISPowerscan™ and IRISXtract™.
Our customers have high expectations for the recognition rate, so we are very interested in the continual improvement and ongoing development of the IRIS product range.
Thomas Radestock, Managing Director at xSuite Group
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