IRIS-Partner: Zeutschel GmbH

Digital Transformation at its finest with the IRISOCR™ sdk

Zeutschel was founded in 1961 in Tübingen, Germany. Today, the company is the world market leader in overhead scanners and makes valuable cultural assets digitally available worldwide. Their main customers are libraries, archives, banks and insurance companies, industrial companies, museums and service companies. The IRISOCR™ sdk is fully integrated in several Zeutschel products.

The OCR Technology is in a variety of applications: for instance bookpage detection, complete full page free-text recognition, Barcode identification and image compression with iHQC. An extensive number of languages are available (137+), like the recognition of Arabic, simplified and traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean and other Asian Languages.

Thanks to the OCR, Zeutschel is also able to recognize very large formats like newspapers, architectural plans and many others. The technology is able to save pictures in formats such as BMP, PNG, TIFF, PDF and JPEG. Use JPEG2000 and JBIG2 compression, with a separate extension.

Benefits of IRIS technology

The IRISOCR™ sdk was easily and seamlessly integrated into Zeutschel products and solutions. Users can copy, extract and read text from scanned images. Along with the IRISOCR™ sdk, there are many other functions possible: like Image Cleaning (Despeckle, Deskew, automatic orientation…,), Page Analysis whereby the page is divided into text, graphic, table, barcode or handprinted zones.

Thanks to the wide range of the use of the IRISOCR™ sdk we are able to offer a lot of additional benefits for our users every day. The long-term partnership with IRIS stands for the high quality of the technology and the excellent cooperation. We are looking forward to the future.


Frank Ulrich Weber, Head of Software Development, Zeutschel GmbH



Solution with:

  • Customers in over 60 countries worldwide
  • IRISOCR™ sdk in use since 2009
  • IRISOCR™ sdk is seamlessly integrated in Zeutschel products