Thousands of IRIS installations are active across the globe. Together with our partners we optimized customer business processes in all sectors of activities. Discover here a selection of 60+ IRIS stories, projects and case studies. Didn’t find what you are looking for? Don’t hesitate to contact us!
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IRIS-Partner: Canon Finland
Effective data capture to ensure an intelligent Hospital
Hospital Nova (KSSHP) is a new hospital in Central Finland. It has served area’s citizens since January 2021 when it opened it doors. Hospital Nova’s special nursing services are provided by the Central Finland Health Care District Consortium. In connection to moving to new hospital, the customer identified the need to digitize old patient files.
IRIS-Partner: Canon Ireland
Digitisation of Medical Card Applications
Working with Canon was very easy. We had the issue and Canon had the expertise, software and the knowhow. The initial phase, managing the post, was extended to automatically capture, classify and export emails. As the volume of applications being received via email increased considerably due to the Covid-19 pandamic. Canon were the natural choice. We now enjoy a long standing, strong relationship and look forward to expanding our intelligent data capture across other areas of National Medical Card Unit.
Paul O´Grady, Manager, National Medical Card Unit (N.M.C.U)
IRIS-Partner: friendWorks
IRISXtract™ sdk quick and easy integration into SAP
DKV Mobility Holding GmbH is a B2B mobility service provider operating throughout Europe with its headquarters in Ratingen. DKV Mobility has been on the market for around 90 years with currently around 259,000 active customers in more than 50 countries. They use IRISXtract™ for Hybrid Forms Processing and Accounts Payable automation europe-wide.
Digitizing Patent Files
Siemens, one of the global leaders in electronics and electrical engineering, uses the IRISXtract™ classification and data capture solution of IRIS for the full digitization of patent files.
The IRIS solution automatically captures more than 200,000 patent procedures annually and transfers the data to the Intranet-based data and workflow management system IPAS (Intellectual Property Application System) from unycom Information Technology services. There, a complete electronic file is created, the contents of which are available to all Siemens patent departments at the touch of a button, anytime, anywhere.
IRIS Partner: noeske netsolutions
Delivery Order Management
“eds – TRANSPORT – LOGISTIK offers since more than 30 years reliable, pan-European transport and logistics services. We focus on the continuous improvement of process quality and efficiency. IRISXtract™ grants to achieve these objectives through cutting edge intelligent delivery records processing and automated data capture technology by safeguarding customer SLAs and reducing process costs significantly.”
– Walter Pahl, General Manager, eds TRANSPORT – LOGISTIK GmbH
(English subtitles for the video available)
IRIS Partner: Canon Germany
Automated Capturing and Processing of Delivery Notes and Incoming Invoices
“The digital workflow relieves us of the time-consuming handling of paper files and considerably speeds up our processes.”
– Jacqueline Dewald, Project and Purchasing Manager, VCK Logistics
IRIS Partner: IRIS Professional Solutions
Automated Tax Form Processing
“In 2008 the Ministry decided to set up a new architecture that will enable the administration to scan not only forms, but also annexes to tax declarations, incoming mail, rental contracts, mortgage loan contracts and other unstructured documents. This corporate scanning solution should be able to process 1 million pages per day, and bring a lot of new benefits to the tax authorities. IRIS has won this large contract thanks to an innovative design of the proposed solution. This was possible because IRIS masters not only the digitization process, but also the document management and workflow, as well as the very demanding IT infrastructure aspects.”
– Georges Arendell, Belgian Ministry of Finance
Automatically Processing Votes
Scytl is the worldwide leader in secure electronic voting, election management and election modernization solutions. In 2013 IRIS and Scytl have helped innovate the elections in Ecuador and Honduras. Scytl’s services and solutions ensure transparent, secure, accessible and auditable elections. Partnering with IRIS, Scytl can further automate election processes to ensure the results are quickly available.
“We were impressed not only by the excellent extraction technology provided by IRISXtract™, but also by IRIS’ commitment. Our partnership started under extremely challenging conditions – we had two months to deploy 105 scanning centers and to train more than 1,500 people working with the solution. It was challenging, but in the end a resounding success.”
– Pablo Sarrias, EVP Corporate Development, Scytl