IRIS Partner: Draycir Ltd.
Draycir creates specialist software to improve business processes in simple-to-use steps. IRISXtract™ in the cloud is available for more then 200 customers in the webportal from Draycir. Customers can easily upload there invoices to be processed by IRISXtract™ Accounts Payable automation platform either straight from an email, scan or drag and drop.
With the Purchase Order matching process within IRISXtract™ users can validate their invoice at line level against the purchase order and good received quantities. Once validated invoices are automatically posted to the Sage 200 ERP system or sent to the Draycir Approval tool for authorisation. The invoice documents are archivied directly into the Draycir Management System and accessible for all Users against the purchase invoice transaction and supplier account.
The centralized document management with IRISXtract™ makes the platform easy and reliable. The solution is webbased enabling a quick and easy install with no additional hardware needed for the customer. It works with any invoice without needing template-based setup. 100% full control of the Document Workflow and no need for manual data entry in Sage 200 secured by IRISXtract™ authorization mechanism.
Thanks to the technology of IRISXtract™ and its strong recognition rate we are able to handle invoices from customers faster and save their costs. We are looking forward to expand our services with IRIS.
Chris Hazeldine, Global Sales and Marketing Director, Draycir Ltd.
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