Processing of Incoming Mail

IRIS Partner: Canon France

The solution

Letters are received by the company and are scanned and classified by the IRISXtract™ solution, which automatically determines the type of document and sends it to the relevant department or manager. Customer e-mails are also handled by this process. Once the documents have been sorted by type, the solution indexes the letters and extracts the essential data, with the help of a reference database. The manager can add to these indexes if necessary. The documents undergo this process via any scanner or multifunctional device. The workflows implemented distribute the mail efficiently and then archive these documents in members’ folders.

The benefits of IRISXtract™

There are several benefits of the new integrated IRISXtract™ solution. First, the traceability of incoming mail has improved and access to the member’s folder is provided at any time, with the latest letters received. Second, more than 60% of mail items, with 80 different document types, are recognised and distributed automatically. Third, there is less time spent dealing with incoming mail every day and overhead reduction. Finally, a better service can be provided to the members (automatic replies, extranet portal, text alerts, etc.)

We chose IRIS for its ability to respond to our challenges and to improve customer journeys. We decided to go for IRISXtract because it is so easy to use and has so many ways to interface with our management tools and customer spaces.
William KRAFT, Managing Director, Mutest

Solution with:

  • 1500 documents per day
  • More than 150,000 clients
  • Increased visibility and time savings
  • AI powered IRISXtract™ classification